What Federal Law Says About Exhibiting Copyrighted Movies


The Federal Copyright Act (Title 17 of the U.S. Code) governs how copyrighted materials, such as movies, may be used. Neither the rental nor the purchase of a movie carries with it the right to show the movie publicly outside the home, unless the site where the movie is used is properly licensed for public exhibition.

Ownership of a copy the movie for personal viewing and the right to exhibit it publicly are two entirely separate legal issues. The copyright holder retains exclusive public performance rights, which may be assigned only by special license.

This legal copyright compliance requirement applies to churches, public libraries, schools, daycare facilities, parks, recreation departments, summer camps, private clubs, prisons, lodges, businesses, etc. This legal requirement applies:

  • Regardless of whether an admission fee is charged
  • Whether the institution or organization is commercial or non-profit
  • Whether a federal, state or local agency is involved

Why is Copyright Infringement a Concern?

The concept of "Public Performance" is central to copyright and the issue of protection for "intellectual property." If an author, computer programmer, musician or movie producer does not retain ownership of his or her "work," there would be little incentive for them to continue and little chance of recouping the enormous investment in time, research and development, much less profits for future endeavors.

Learn more in our Exhibition FAQ!

Copyright Infringers Can be Prosecuted

The Motion Picture Association of America and its member companies are dedicated to stopping film and video piracy in all its forms, including unauthorized public performances, illegal downloading, etc. The motion picture companies can go to court to ensure their copyrights are not violated.

To avoid embarrassing publicity and fines, it is important to comply with U.S. Copyright Law when using movies publicly. If you are uncertain about your responsibilities under copyright law, consult your legal copyright compliance advisor or attorney.

While Foundery Pictures does not support and endorse every public position taken by the MPAA regarding copyright, the proper enforcement of long-standing copyright law protection is important if we wish to have new creative works available for appropriate use.

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If there is not theatre in your area that will play Wesley, we strongly encourage you to check out either the Church License or the Fundraiser License!